Who am I?

Embedded software developer, Agile advocate, and DevOps owner at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.


Beginnings of a Guitar Journey

It's time for something new!

I’m super excited to start on this journey to learn to play the guitar. This will be the first music instrument since the end of high school - almost 13 years ago. This won’t be the first time I’ve picked up the guitar. I started learning it when I was at intermediate school. Though the memories are vague and I would probably need to start all over again. Why Guitar? In recent years, my cup of tea when it comes to music has gravitated towards acoustic guitar music - especially unplugged versions of pop songs.

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Kick-ass Agile Team

Forming a kick-ass world-class team

Team startup has been on the fore-front of my mind lately because we’re just about to go through a re-structure. Sitting over a coffee, I took some time to think about what sort of team I really want to be part of and create. It really wasn’t a difficult choice: a world-class team that could tackle any challenges thrown their way. A team like this would be a well-oiled learning and discovery machine.

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Taking Extreme Ownership

What does it really mean?

This post is a WIP. I don’t claim to have a whole deal of experience with this concept, it’s a new area I’m exploring with other colleagues at work. Certainly it’s been game changing even just reflecting on how I’m approaching ownership, where it begins and where it ends. The concept of extreme ownership comes from the book written by Jocko Willink — former US Navy SEAL leader. I’m currently going through this with others in a book club style, so this post will be updated as I learn more.

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Leadership Grind Lightning Talks

Learnings from the night

The Leadership Grind meetup held a lightning talk night on 15 August 2018. A few of us from the team went along and took away some learnings and insights. Here’s what stood out for me on the night. Recognition and Feedback It’s great to see Xero performing internal research on it’s own ability to give recognition to employees. Not many companies travel down this road of retrospection and are comfortable with sharing the results and learnings.

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Productivity with Kanban For One

Sharing my learnings with using KanbanFor1

KanbanFor1 is a personal time management tool I’ve been using for a while now. I thought I’d share the learnings I’ve gained into the way that works best for me. It’s good at getting me focussed No matter what technique you use, managing your focus is an activity that requires a lot of discipline. For me, being able to stay focussed on one task gave me the biggest boost in productivity.

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Experience With Impact Mapping

Insights and learnings from applying impact mapping technique

In recent times, I got the opportunity to apply the Impact Mapping technique designed by Gojko Adzic to the area of DevOps within our embedded software team. I knew about the technique a while back when Gojko made his appearance in Auckland as part of the Agile Auckland meetup almost 3 years ago. I was looking for a way to express the vision and purpose of the team, while creating a strong and obvious link to the stories we will be doing everyday.

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Read my README

This README is a documentation of me. You can get a good gist of what I do and what I’m here to achieve in the F&P CPAP software team. Important: NOT a replacement for actually getting to know each other more. My Job I’m the outcome owner for DevOps sub-team in the CPAP software team. This means I’m ultimately accountable for the development and release processes adopted for the 3 sub-teams.

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