Read my README

This README is a documentation of me. You can get a good gist of what I do and what I’m here to achieve in the F&P CPAP software team.

Important: NOT a replacement for actually getting to know each other more.

My Job

I’m the outcome owner for DevOps sub-team in the CPAP software team. This means I’m ultimately accountable for the development and release processes adopted for the 3 sub-teams.

In the DevOps domain:

  • Setting and holding a ‘challenging enough’ vision for the DevOps team to strive towards.
  • Responsible for the way software gets built and released to production.
  • Represent this domain to the rest of FPH.
  • Doing the nitty gritty work to improve our DevOps environment.

In the team domain:

  • Enable teams and members to do amazing work and become high performing.
  • Share context to the team, gathered from across FPH.

My Availability

Even though I’ll have my things to do, it’s very rare they’ll be more important than talking to you, if you want to talk to me.

Feel free to slack, email, call me, or even setup a calendar time to catch up. Suggest any time, any day, we can make it work.

My Assumptions Of You

You’re doing your best and you want to get better. I won’t discard your thoughts and ideas without giving good reasoning. I believe there’s something valuable to take out of every idea.

You feel safe interacting with me (be it talking, debating, giving feedback). Safety is key to awesome collaboration. Good ideas only come if multiple perspectives are debated on and taken into account. If I disagree with you, there’s nothing against you as a person. It’s for the greater good of getting a better outcome.

How can I help you?

Provide direction. Of the latest development and release processes within the team. If you’re unsure about how to go about doing something, come have a chat!

Provide history. I’ve been here since the middle of ICON ages (7+ years). While I can’t guarantee I’ll remember everything to detail, I may be a able to provide you with some historical reasons of why things look the way they do today.

Remove impediments. If something is getting in the way of you being the best version of yourself, please come talk immediately. I’ll do my best to resolve it so you can keep being the best of you.

Facilitate discussions. If you want a guide for your discussions or meetings, I’m happy to act as facilitators to ensure you can get the best outcome.

How can you help me?

Call out when I’m not living up to expectations (be it yours or my own). Call it out in a way that makes both of us a better person.

Constructive feedback is most welcomed. There’s 3 parts to it: 1) tell me how I’ve affected you, 2) tell me how you’d like to see it instead, 3) we can have a chat about what to change moving forward.

What I value

Open and honest. I don’t hide much (unless someone tells me not to tell) because I believe hidden information doesn’t benefit anyone.

Open experimentation and learning. We can only get better by trying things out. We’re on a journey together to make better the way we work, so lets do it openly and maximise the learning.

Having each other’s back. Team is only a team when we look out for each other, otherwise it’s just a group of individuals. When you see something working or not working, let everyone know!

Tags: way-of-being 

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